2014.06.02 23:56
2014.06.02 23:23
The chosen concept for Open House’s signage design is the “Zoetrope”, or the process of animating by showing different photographs depicting motion. Taking a cue from the company name and slogan, an ‘opening door’ was chosen as the main design feature and animation piece for the signage. The proposed assembly of the sign allows for the four faces of the signage to spin via the wind or by curious passers-by. This makes the signage more interactive and interesting to the public. The proposed assembly is also collapsible to allow easier storage and transport.
For the simulation of the design’s desired effect, please visit: http:\\oi58.tinypic.com/16j1myo.jpg
2014.06.02 22:47
The path shape like a house going inside the door.. The idea is welcoming guest or prospective clients for an OPEN House viewing.The sign post is made up of aluminum tubing where you can adjust the height, Durable, easy to install
and minimalist design. hope u like it 🙂
2014.06.02 22:29
将来 – Moving into a bright future There is huge significance in purchasing a new home. Couples may be looking for a place to raise their families, the more business-minded thinking in terms of monetary investment. However one reason remains constant: a new home represents an unwritten future carrying a trove of potentialities – where memories are built, stories shared and most importantly, life being lived.
‘Moving into a bright future’ sends a gentle and subtle message to prospective buyers that they are not just purchasing a property with Open House, but rather they are entering a new season of their life. Open House provides the opportunity for this to happen.
2014.06.02 22:27
2014.06.02 22:23
keep out のテープに使われる考え方です。
2014.06.02 22:20
OPEN HOUSE creative signage –
light-weighted, durable, functional, portable and aesthetic all-in-one
2014.06.02 22:20
2014.06.02 22:19
2014.06.02 22:13
2014.06.02 21:50
A simple but beautiful design. The house on the left is traditional while the right is modern. The neighborhood is waiting for “you” to buy a house near to them.
2014.06.02 21:29
Asians are family oriented; they emphasize loyalty and honor to the family. They plan of building a HOUSE for them to build a FAMILY, big or small; they build not just a house but a HOME…
2014.06.02 21:18
2014.06.02 20:47
2014.06.02 19:59
Because home is the place that everybody dream to own it. So I use the dreaming symbolic to design for Open house signage.
2014.06.02 19:51
人形本体は、カルプ等、軽くて加工しやすいものに 金属芯で補強と大地への保持 看板とピクト人形はボルトオン(背面に補強アリ) コンセプト 人間は、人型に目がいくもの! その人型を優しく柔らかいイメージで、だれもが 見慣れているものとしてピクトを選びました。 カラーは、OPENHOUSEのイメージカラー 見慣れると、遠くからでも、この形を観るだけで OPENHOUSEの看板であることが分る。 きっと、注目度まんてんでいて、姿は町の人にも
2014.06.02 19:18
This is yet another compilation of my previous designs. Like i said why choose one when you can make four? The contents of the four creative sign are uniform and similar but the orientation, usage and appearance are different making it more viewer friendly depending on the location of the creative sign. I also suggest printing the design on stickers and flyers to be posted, placed and given on malls other establishments with lots of people for advertising purposes. Thank you so much! 🙂
2014.06.02 19:07
The “KEEP CALM” phrases and posters are very popular nowadays so I added it to this creative sign for OPEN HOUSE that will surely catch the attention of everyone. This creative sign is so simple yet clear and sturdy. The message is clearly disseminated and the OPEN HOUSE logo is obviously seen. I suggest the use of plastic and aluminum material for water resistance and also light to carry. I also suggest the use of lighting effect so that it can also be seen at night. Thank You! 🙂
2014.06.02 19:04
The “KEEP CALM” phrases and posters are very popular nowadays so I added it to this creative sign for OPEN HOUSE that will surely catch the attention of everyone. This creative sign is so simple yet clear and sturdy. The message is clearly disseminated and the OPEN HOUSE logo is obviously seen. I suggest using plastic material with aluminum for water resistance and also light to carry. Thank You! 🙂
2014.06.02 19:02
The “KEEP CALM” phrases and posters are very popular nowadays so I added it to this creative sign for OPEN HOUSE that will surely catch the attention of everyone. This creative sign is so simple yet clear and sturdy. The message is clearly disseminated and the OPEN HOUSE logo is obviously seen. There are two sides for which viewers can see it even on different angles, particularly for cars passing by the road. Thank You! 🙂
2014.06.02 19:00
The “KEEP CALM” phrases are very popular nowadays so I added it to this creative sign for OPEN HOUSE that will surely catch the attention of everyone. This creative sign is so simple yet clear and sturdy. The message is clearly disseminated and the OPEN HOUSE logo is obviously seen. Thank You! 🙂
2014.06.02 18:58
Creative floor sticker ads that catch our eyes attention. This is a very affordable and creative way to advertise
2014.06.02 18:55
This is the compilation of my other designs. Why choose one when you can make four? The contents of the four creative sign are uniform and similar but the orientation, usage and appearance are different. Thank you so much! 🙂
2014.06.02 18:43
We use a KEY to open the door of our house that’s why I attached an image of a house with a key to represent “OPEN HOUSE”. This creative sign is so simple yet clear and sturdy. The message is clearly disseminated and the OPEN HOUSE logo is obviously seen. I suggest the use of plastic and aluminum material for water resistance and also light to carry. I also suggest the use of lighting effect so that it can also be seen at night. Thank You! 🙂
2014.06.02 18:34
We use a KEY to open the door of our house that’s why I attached an image of a house with a key to represent “OPEN HOUSE”. This creative sign is so simple yet clear and sturdy. The message is clearly disseminated and the OPEN HOUSE logo is obviously seen. I suggest using plastic material with aluminum for water resistance and also light to carry. Thank You! 🙂
2014.06.02 18:30
We use a KEY to open the door of our house that’s why I attached an image of a house with a key to represent “OPEN HOUSE”. This creative sign is so simple yet clear and sturdy. The message is clearly disseminated and the OPEN HOUSE logo is obviously seen. There are two sides for which viewers can see it even on different angles, particularly for cars passing by the road. Thank You! 🙂
2014.06.02 18:27
We use a KEY to open the door of our house that’s why I attached an image of a house with a key to represent “OPEN HOUSE”. This creative sign is so simple yet clear and sturdy. The message is clearly disseminated and the OPEN HOUSE logo is obviously seen. Thank You! 🙂
2014.06.02 17:54
■販売している土地の一角にラピング広告をする。 心を込めてお客様に販売する意味の現れを、リボンをモチーフにサインをデザイン。 立てるサインではなく、寝かせるサインとし、周りの環境に調和させる。 サインに傾斜を付け可読性を上げながら、一歩前に出で覗き込む行動をとるようになり、その行動が、家を持ちたいと思う「きっかけ」になる願い。 □サインは折りたたみ、金具は束にし座席の下を通し普通乗用車に乗せる。又、社員の方が設置すると思われるので、簡単に設置でき安全なものとする。
2014.06.02 17:18
お客様にとっては、これから自分の家を持つかも知れない地。 その地に先に小さな「家を立てる。」
2014.06.02 15:58
Tokoyo is one of the biggest fashion city in the world and has a lot of job opportunities attract people from around of the world. People as birds migrate to Tokyo and want to settle down. To own a house is the key for people has home-like feeling. The Open House Agent helps to find a suitable house for you.
2014.06.02 14:15
コンセプト 5 面に「OPEN HOUSE」のロゴが印刷されたキューブな段ボー ル箱の集合オブジェクトが売出し空き地に立体的でボリューム のある存在感をアピールする。 構成配置が自由で、規模やロケーションや予算によって様々な バリエーションをつくることが可能。 物件毎に個性的なアピールを用意し使用後はリサイクルされ る。 乗用車での運搬のサイズに折畳まれた段ボールは軽量で扱いや すい。 段ボールの設置は箱内に収められるウェイトパッケージで安定
2014.06.02 14:11
説明文などは図面2枚に記入しました。 (記) 今回お送りするものは、 (eguchi-1.jpg)、(eguchi-2.jpg)、(eguchi-3.jpg)、(eguchi-4.jpg)計4枚です。
2014.06.02 13:40
看板を設置する地域の魅力を端的に表現することにより、 その場所に家を建てたい、という夢が膨らむような看板を目指しました。 また、この看板を目にすることで、 近隣の住民の方々にも地域の良さを再認識して頂けるのではと思っております。 カタチを吹き出しにすることでメッセージ性を高め、 コピーは貴社のスローガンにリンクすることで一貫性を持たせています。 また、看板は少し奥行きを持たせ、
2014.06.02 13:14
This is an image a lot of people can relate to especially couples looking for a home in Tokyo .Your home is where our dreams begin. This is where we start aspiring for a better life for our family, aim for a dream job, look for nearby school for our children, safe neighborhood, nearby hospitals and commercial establishments. Everything that we need to build our dream is in our home.
2014.06.02 13:02
My design is very colorful and friendly. I want the viewer to see the Tokyo skyline with the bright houses and feel like they would be happy to live there. I also submitted designs in English. The sign can be printed any size because it is a vector image.
Thank you for your consideration!
2014.06.02 12:58
My design is very colorful and friendly. I want the viewer to see the Tokyo skyline with the bright houses and feel like they would be happy to live there. This one uses a different type style than the other ones. The sign can be printed any size because it is a vector image.
Thank you for your consideration!
2014.06.02 12:55
My design is very colorful and friendly. I want the viewer to see the Tokyo skyline with the bright houses and feel like they would be happy to live there. The sign can be printed any size because it is a vector image.
Thank you for your consideration!
2014.06.02 12:51
This is an image a lot of people can relate to especially couples looking for a home in Tokyo. Your home is where our dreams begin. This is where we start aspiring for a better life for our family, aim for a dream job, look for nearby school for our children, safe neighborhood, nearby hospitals and commercial establishments. Everything that we need to build our dream is in our home.
2014.06.02 11:55
再利用可能かつ天然素材の砂利を使う事により、 環境配慮を考えた会社である事を。 他に無いタイプのサインである事により、 他社との差別化と先進性を感じてもらう事を意識しました。 砂利を使うためあまり細かい表現はできないので マーク部分はアウトラインのみで表現しました。 サイズはある程度大きい方が良いと思うのですが、
2014.06.02 10:58
Concrete Signage.
2014.06.02 08:23
Design for Open House Group signage.
2014.06.02 06:56
This design refecting the idea of people and their neighbourhood.
2014.06.02 03:58
Description: Can be assembled on the spot, Portable Outdoor Signage that has Acrylic Glass with Company Logo Decal with white background that also emits soft lighting during evening. Can be plug in 100v or Battery Powered/Solar Powered. Detachable sign board on bottom in case for replacement. Simple yet elegant minimalist theme that can blend in Japanese Architecture
2014.06.02 02:23
土地に建てる掲示物なので 家を建てるにあたって,場所を決めることに重点を置いたメッセージになっています。 建てたい家のイメージはそれぞれだと思うのですが 大きな手で完成した家を置くインパクトを 少しドールハウスの雰囲気を持った家にして 柔らかい雰囲気に変化しました。 インパクトの面は男性的, ドールハウスの可愛さは女性的という感じで 性別を問わず,また年齢を問わず
2014.06.02 01:33
This design refecting the idea of people and their neighbourhood.
2014.06.02 01:31
A step forward to have a house.
2014.06.02 00:13
This is my layout design for Competition for creative design for sign post using logo of real estate agency OPEN HOUSE.
2014.06.02 00:12
OPEN HOUSEにちなんだ配色で、QRコードをつくり販売中の土地にたてて、通りかかった人にQRコードを読み込んでもらい、OPEN HOUSEのサイトにアクセスでき、土地の情報を詳しく知ることの出来る仕組み。
2014.06.01 23:36
家をかたどった看板。 ロゴのドア部分に手をかけてドアを開く人を置き、帰る場所としての家を表しました。 また、人が帽子を掲げることで、新しく家を建てる人、その周りに住む人々に対して挨拶し、人々とのつながりを表しました。人型はロゴと同じ配色で統一しました。 2枚の看板を蝶番で止め、折りたたんで持ち運びします。
2014.06.01 22:22
添付PDF 2枚に記入しました。
2014.06.01 21:37
The main concept of my designs is to not only attract consumers and entice them to buy a property, but also tell them to buy it “HERE!”
Designs 1 and 2 made use of inverted triangles and a downward pointing arrow to mark that prime spot. The idea is to place the sign on a wall or the top of a frame. This will visually attract attention due to its unusual signage placements. Design 3 makes use of the old-school method of demarcating an area. A board will be stuck to the ground showing that “here” is the area in Tokyo where a house should be bought. Design 4 cleverly uses technology, using the tear shaped bubble that is Google Maps’ signature location pin, to draw attention at inform consumers of where exactly they should get a house.
2014.06.01 21:14
The new signage concept design for “Open House” consist of “Open House” abstract interior logo with a spectrum of vibrant colors connecting with each other in contrast which enhances the design of the signage, emphasizing on connecting the bonds between family and their new homes. Made from aluminum and acrylic pieces, the new design provides a fresh modern and contemporary look as well as keeping it durable and lightweight for easy transportation and setting up.
2014.06.01 19:22
2014.06.01 17:17
Let’s buy a house in Tokyo, the main phrase that we want to “sell”. There are 4 keywords that must shown in the signage, which is “OpenHouse” company’s logo, Tokyo, Buy and a House. 1st keyword shown with Japan’s map which emphasised Tokyo city with the red dot, are represents the growth of company’s industry. 2nd keyword shown as background, showed the environment where the houses belong. 3rd keyword shown with a family beside the house, as buyer of the new house, we shown that the buyer not buy a house, but buy a HOME. I
4th keyword shown with house drawing, why it’s only one house in the signage, because we believe in the phrase there are no better place except home.
2014.06.01 12:27
simple text and logo of open home for sale, its portable and easy to install in every house ready to sale in our consumers. aluminum metal is better to choose because of light in wt.
2014.06.01 04:18
a strong and durable sign of steal or metal, long life guaranty, simple eye catch and readable design.
2014.06.01 03:32
My Entry design 2
2014.06.01 02:14
My entry design…
2014.05.31 15:30
「ただ看板を設置するのではなく、そこに木の苗を植えるように、やさしい表情をその町にあたえる 看板をつくりました。」 自然とその土地に木がそだつように、家も1本の苗木からはじまるストーリーを考えてデザイン。 土地のサイズや見せ方にも対応できるように、SMLの3種をつくり、その場にあったデザインを展開できます。 色使いも「OPEN HOUSE」の色展開でデザイン、ロゴとの相性も良く、少しPOPで、楽しげでもある
2014.05.31 15:19
Its so simple design, but its good for commercial. has tag ” Lets buy a house in TOKYO | KAWASAKI | YOKOHAMA”