
Skets|Would you like to use your creative in japan?

Let's buy a house in Tokyo, the main phrase that we want to "sell". There are 4 keywords that must shown in the signage,...

Skets|Would you like to use your creative in japan?


Skets|Would you like to use your creative in japan?

The "KEEP CALM" phrases and posters are very popular nowadays so I added it to this creative sign for OPEN HOUSE that wi...

Skets|Would you like to use your creative in japan?

The path shape like a house going inside the door.. The idea is welcoming guest or prospective clients for an OPEN House...

Skets|Would you like to use your creative in japan?

This is the compilation of my other designs. Why choose one when you can make four? The contents of the four creative si...

Skets|Would you like to use your creative in japan?

The new signage concept design for “Open House” consist of “Open House” abstract interior logo with a spectrum of vibran...

Skets|Would you like to use your creative in japan?

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Skets|Would you like to use your creative in japan?

My design is very colorful and friendly. I want the viewer to see the Tokyo skyline with the bright houses and feel like...

– アイデア一覧 | Skets(スケッツ)

「手前味噌」という言葉を自画自賛→自慢と変換し「得意なこと」を世界中から募・・・ 味噌をテーマに和洋中の有名シェフ達が料理する。ミシュラン星獲得や海外のシェ・・・ 旅行代理店と組んで各地の味噌と名所を堪能するためのツアー。スタン...

Competition for creative design for a si…-応募作品一覧|Skets(スケッツ)

2014.05.26 15:02 ターゲットを30~40代の男性にしぼっています。 一軒家を建てることを夢見ている男の人はかなりの数いると思います。 一国の主になったとき、初めて味わう優越感を想像したらいてもたってもいられなくなる...
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